With strong business roots and networks across Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States, we are a well-connected CRO, that allows our partners and clients to benefit from the full-potential these regions have to offer.
We leverage our local presence and knowledge, extensive network of investigators and patient recruitment services to help sponsors and CROs successfully conduct clinical trials in these regions.
Why Russia and the CIS countries?
The abundance of qualified investigators, patients, and well-structured clinical site management make Russia and the CIS countries very attractive regions to conduct clinical trials.
These regions offer faster time for approval, lower per-patient costs, fast patient recruitment, strict protocol adherence, and high data quality.
Sites in Russia and the CIS countries follow clinical trial procedures that do not differ from the American and the European ones. Furthermore, several FDA and EMA inspections in these regions have shown better results than in Western European countries.
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Crocus Medical Centre of Operations
Crocus Medical Patient Recruitment
Crocus Medical Patient Recruitment